I’m a fan of clipping tools and other quick, time savers and reminders. I have computers and phones littered with these to prove it 😐
This is an interesting mobile solution for setting up reminders. It reminds me of adding calendar events in Google’s iPhone mobile, where you just type in a string like ‘tomorrow 10am dr appointment’ and it takes that info and places it in the correct spot. Reqall sounds similar, except it’s voice activated. But it will take that appointment and set up either a text, phone, or calendar reminder. Pretty smart.
This tech would seem to have a lot of campaign applications. At least the idea of quick reminders, whether or not Reqall is actually set up to work that way right now. People are busy. Anything that lets them grab, note, bookmark, or file something away for later retrieval could certainly help conversion rates. And if they’re posting to a social tool, then there’s a community benefit on top of that.