What’s going on in new media marketing, pulled from social bookmarking site Creativing.com:
Google Chrome promotional videos
Fantastic videos from the Chrome campaign in the UK. It’s great to see Google doing something different from their homespun Wave video approach. This is real artistry.
Ultimate Guitar Hero Experience
It’s amazing what happens when you take a cultural phenomenon like Guitar Hero and mix in the wonderfully hackable Wii system. This kid gets the Christmas present of a lifetime, and a killer Guitar Hero experience, as well. And is there any better proof that companies that open things up benefit enormously from the creativity of the crowd?
When Google Runs Your Life
Great overview of Google Apps, and the power of cloud computing. Particularly noteworthy is the speed at which Google can react to needs and improve an experience across the entire user base. While so many companies talk about their listening skills, Google’s demonstrating it. The ongoing stream of improvements and new features is the first thing I noticed when I started using Apps.
5 Creative Ways to Hack Your Facebook Profile Photo
Interesting way to creatively ‘hack’ your Facebook photo. Hack being used innocuously. These are more just some ways to make your photo stand out visually.
Isn’t the Value of Social Media What Business Is All About?
Good reminder by the head of Dell’s social media and community that social media is at the core of what successful small business operators have always done well. Develop great customer relationships.
Maloney & Porcelli Expense Report Generator
Need to write off an expensive dinner? Let this receipt generator help. A fun brand experience for a restaurant.
Obama moves to boost U.S. broadband access
Of course I love this, and I realize it sounds self-serving, but having the best broadband access in the world is part standard of living, part infrastructure, and part education. It’s an enabler across many areas beyond e-commerce and e-services. I just hope this is enough budget to make an impact.
What Google’s Real-Time Search Means for Brands
Four things Google’s Real Time search means for brands. The bottom line is, what’s said about you on the Web will be easier to find, and more influential, than ever before. For companies that participate in and drive that conversation, there’s power to shape those conversations. For those that don’t, they’re leaving their brand to drift whichever way the conversation flows.
Google Earth Comes to Audi A8
Great idea. Especially the feature enabling you to send maps from your computer to your car. I just hope the download speeds are better than what I’ve found most mobile broadband systems can generate, or you’ll end up driving around in circles waiting for maps to appear on screen.
Android Market Hits 20,000 Apps
One of the more impressive stats I’ve seen in a while. When you think that after 2 years, the Apple store is now at 100,000 apps, 20k in this short of time is significant. Google’s taken steps to make it easy to convert existing iPhone apps to the Android platform. Apparently, it’s working.